Between heaven and earth, Between light and dark, Between faith and sin, Lies only my heart, Lies God and only my heart. Jesus Christ is the bridge between earth and heaven, He does not only give us truth, but He is the truth. He desires to live in our heart, enabling us to do the will of the Father, as He did the will of the Faith. Jesus tells His apostles that to receive a little child is to receive Him, and to receive Him is to receive the Father. He also reveals to the apostles that He must suffer and die, but that He will rise.
Key Words / Themes
Capax Dei (capable of knowing God), Jacob’s dream, pursue good, avoid evil, Incarnation, pontifex, hope, despair, grace, relativism, truth, presumption, sloth
Formulas of Catholic Doctrine
Great Commandments – Love of God
Nature of Christ – God and Man
Theological Virtues – Charity and Hope
Evangelical Councils – Poverty, Chastity, Obedience
Our Father – Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Beatitudes – Blessed are the persecuted; Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
Deadly Sins – Sloth, Pride
Sacraments – Eucharist
Creed – 3rd Born of the Virgin Mary; 4th Suffered, Died, Buried; 5th Descended into hell and rose from the dead; 8th Holy Spirit; 9th – Holy Catholic Church.
Fruits of the Holy Spirit – Charity
Mysteries of the Rosary – The Nativity, The Crucifixion, The Resurrection