What does it mean when we call Jesus, the Messiah. In this packet we see that there can be no mistaking this man, all the signs point to the fact that He is who He says He is. Saint John the Baptist, Our Lady and Saint Andrew especially witness and give testimony during the Advent season, that this is the Christ. We to must give testimony and be a witness of Christ in our world, this can be done with great joy. This joy which has been given to us and of which we share with others brings great rejoicing.
Key Words / Themes:
Messiah, Jesus, Christ, anointed, John the Baptists, Father, brother, sister, mother Church, testimony, giving testimony, witness, marks of the church, Christian happiness, rejoice, happiness, worldly happiness, sharing happiness, Advent, Andrew
Formulas of Catholic Doctrine:
Nature of Christ (Messiah, True God, True Man)
Seven Deadly Sins (Pride)
Beatitudes (Meekness)
Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation)
Articles of the Creed (2nd – Jesus Christ, his only son Our Lord; 6th – Seated at the right hand of the Father; 9th – Holy Catholic Church, Communion of Saints)
Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Joy)
Rosary (3rd Joyful Mystery; the Nativity)