Summary: The Prodigal Son is one of the most recognized Gospel's. This packet takes a look at all three characters dedicating a lesson to each, the father, the younger son, and the older son. Also in this packet are lessons on the scrutiny readings and the effects of sin in our life.
Key Words / Themes: scrutiny, scrutinies, catechumen, RCIA, examination, candidate, lent, prodigal son, father, older son, pride, sin, effects of sin, inheritance, sacraments, repentance, confession, parables, loving, forgiving, merciful, four essentials of sin, detest sin, avoid sin, our father, abba
Formulas of Catholic Doctrine: Sacraments (Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist) Our Father (Our Father who art in Heaven) Seven Deadly Sins (All, specifically Pride, Anger) Beatitudes (Meek, Peace)