The Chastity Series covers the topics listed below and can be used as a series, retreat, or individual lessons. There are also sister packets and sister lessons that may be used along side this series. The Chastity Series is a second edition of Chastity 2352, a booklet published in 2006 which covered section 2352 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: “The deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason outside of marriage is contrary to its purpose.” In this series we not only break down section 2352 of the Catechism, but also provide a chastity chart that outlines the "gift of self" is, give honor to Saint Maria Goretti, and provide new lessons on the roles of masculinity and femininity, and the sin of pornography.
Lessons and Discussions
Introduction to this Chastity Packet (includes the Chastity Chart)
St. Maria Goretti
Roles of Masculinity & Femininity
Gift of Self
Dating (Part I)
Dating (Part II)
Marriage: Permanent, Exclusive, and Procreative
Sex: Its place and purpose
Attacks on sex, love, and marriage
Pornography (Part I)
Pornography (Part II)
Totus Tuus (Totally Yours)
Sister Packets:
Search: Heart. Soul. Mind.
Includes lessons on what love is and the three types of love
Search: Fully Human: No Less, No More
Includes lessons on lust, and how to live life to the full
Sister Lessons:
Search: Lust (Part 1) and Lust (Part 2)
Includes 10 Commitments we can make to live a pure life
Search: Saint Thomas Aquinas [His Life]
Information on the Confraternity of Angelic Warfare and how to make a purity prayer chord. Making a purity prayer chord would be a great activity for a group, similar to a chastity / purity ring, but suitable for both sexes. Individuals may be enrolled in the Confraternity of Angelic Warfare as a way to commit and hold themselves accountable.