What are the angels? The angels are created beings (persons) less than God but more than human. They only have a SOUL and are invisible and immortal. If God allows, both good and bad angels can take on human form or the form of matter. (Satan took on the form of a serpent). Humans have both a BODY and a SOUL.
There is a hierarchy of creation, and angels and humans are on different levels of that hierarchy:
The Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
Jesus – One in being with the Father, NOT a created being. The Word made Flesh.
Angels – A created being with a soul
Humans – A created being with a body and soul
Animals – animate living thing
Plants – animate living thing
In animate object – rocks, etc
Humans and angels have immortal souls, but animals/plants/rocks have either just mortal souls or no souls what-so-ever.
How are Angels different than humans? "God from the beginning of time, made both kinds of creatures, spiritual and bodily, out of nothing, that is angelic and worldly."[i] A soul is (intellect/reason and free will/choice). Angel’s have intellect and free will but their intellect and free will far surpasses human intellect and free will. Angels are more knowledgeable than humans and more noble or good than humans. They are also expected to do more; to whom much is given, much is expected. They are created in the image of God, but more resemble God than man because they are more perfect in intellect and will.
Am I going to be an angel when I die? NO! Angels are angels and humans are humans. Humans do not become angels when they die, they remain humans. At death, the human body is buried and the soul is judged going to hell or heaven (first purged, purified in purgatory). We do believe in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting as we profess in the Creed. This means that the soul will be reunited with the resurrected body. Angels will never end with a body because they did not start with a body.
Why are angels pictured with wings or as babies or as playing harps? They are seen with wings to represent their speed, they can move immediately since they don’t have bodies, they can think of a place and immediately be at that place. They are seen as babies because they are innocent and content gazing at the face of God and being completely obedient to His care. They are seen with harps because they continually give God praise.
Do angels know everything? Angels are not all-knowing. They do not know future events unless they are revealed to them by God. They also do not know the mysteries of Grace, or the secrets of the heart or man or the motivations of man.
Do angels have to be good, because they are angels? Because they are less than God and given intellect and free will, they like humans, were free to choose God or revolt against Him. They are not robots; because they have a SOUL (intellect and free will) they may choose good or reject it.
Why were they tested? Because all created beings must choose God, God doesn’t force us to choose or love Him. The Angels knew that God created them and they were happy in the presence of God but before THE TEST and THE FALL they did not see God face to face, the beatific vision!
What was the test the angels were given enabling them to choose God? We do not know the nature of the TEST but the best guess is that God revealed the future to the angels. He showed them that mankind would sin and that God would have to take on flesh (human form) to redeem mankind. Some angels, since they were created greater than man, revolted against the idea of God taking the form of lowly man and even more the fact that angels would not only have to serve man but also worship the God-Man Jesus Christ. The God-Man would be formed in the womb of a human and be born of a human. Even more revolting than the idea of God made Flesh would have been the revelation that mere matter (bread and wine) would also be turned into (Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity) to be worshiped and even received by mere humans. The angels, out of obedience would have to worship the Eucharist but never be able to receive it. It was pride that cause the angels to rebel. They refused to be obedient to God’s plan in favor of their own plan. Instead of serving, lower man and being open to God becoming man, they turned toward themselves making themselves “gods”. Many of the Angels, like Angel Garbriel, chose to be obedient and follow God’s plan for salvation. The Angel Gabriel not only honors God, but the God made Flesh and even the Theotokos (Godbearer), when he bows down and honors Mary, saying, “Hail Mary, full of Grace.”
What happened to the Angels who rejected God? Our first Pope, St. Peter says, “For God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but condemned them to the chains of Tartarus and handed them over to be kept for judgment.”[ii] Some of the angels “sinned”. Sin is the deprivation of Good, the angels who were created in goodness, served goodness and contained all goodness. They were given the opportunity to choose goodness or deprive themselves of goodness (sin). “With a free and irrevocable choice they rejected God and his kingdom, thus giving rise to the existence of Hell.”[iii] God did not create hell or sin, but allowed its possibility. Satan, whose name was Lucifer, which means light-bearer. Lucifer was created by God and was the angel of light. He was the chief angel that rebelled. After the Fall, he is called Satan or the Devil and those angels who rebelled with him are called demons.
Why didn’t God give the angels whom He created a second chance? The angels’ choice was eternal because they are immortal and both their intellect and free will are not limited as in human choice. They completely know what they are choosing, make the choice to revolt freely and their choice is immediate and immortal because they have no body to limit sustain the choice, they get NO second chance. An angel lives outside of time. An angel's choice is based on eternity so the consequences are eternal. Humans as long as they are living in the temporal world, have time and so they can repent. A priest one time gave the analogy that humans are like clay being formed by the potter and while still wet and moldable they could be formed, but as soon as the clay is placed into the kiln it is fixed in place forever it cannot be changed. The kiln for us is death, when we will be what we allowed God to make of us. We should therefore cherish the time we have been given and use it to repent, choose God and stay in communion with God.
What happened after the fall? – The bad angels are given their punishment which is to be cast from God’s presence (hell). Their new GOAL, to associate humans with their revolt against God and the rejection of God’s Kingdom. The good angels are given their reward, eternal happiness. They now see God face to face and will be in His presence for eternity. They choose the GOOD, they chose GOD!
What do our Guardian Angels do for us? They are an example and an inspiration for us. They passed the test and will do all within their power to help us follow in their footsteps (except they don’t have feet) and attain everlasting happiness face to face with God. They protect us in danger and temptation (both our body and soul). During Compline (Night Prayer) we pray, “Visit, we beseech thee, O Lord, this habitation, and drive far from it all snares of the enemy: Let Thy holy Angels dwell herein, who may keep us in peace; and let Thy blessing be always upon us.”[iv] They warn us against evil. They encourage us to do good, inspire us to do good, put good thoughts in our mind and move our will toward the good. They offer our work, prayers, joys and sufferings to God. They pray for us and assist us in our works and needs. They stand by us in the hour of our death.
How many references are there to the angels, just within the Mass? During the Penitential Act we pray “…therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.”[v] During the Eucharistic Prayer, the priest “bowing, with hands joined, he continues: In humble prayer we ask you, almighty God: command that these gifts be borne by the hands of your holy Angel to your altar on high in the sight of your divine majesty, so that all of us who through this participation at the altar receive the most holy Body and Blood of your Son may be filled with every grace and heavenly blessing.”[vi] During Eucharistic prayer II before the Sanctus, the priest says, “And so, with the Angels and all the Saints we proclaim your glory, as with one voice we sing..”[vii] During the Eucharistic prayer IV, before the Sanctus, the priest says, “And so, in your presence are countless hosts of Angels, who serve you day and night and, gazing upon the glory of your face, glorify you without ceasing. With them we, too, confess your name in exultation, giving voice to every creature under heaven as we sing…”[viii]
What can we do for our Guardian Angel? Show them reverence for their presence. Thank them and show gratitude for the many benefits we have received. Ask for pardon for the many times we have made their job difficult. Show confidence and love in their protection, guidance and prayers. Ask them to pray for us and offer our works, prayer, sufferings and joys to God. Promise fidelity and obedience to them. Pray the Guardian Angel Prayer. It is also good to have a relationship with your guardian angel and send them on missions. For example prior to a meeting with someone that you might have difficulties with send your guardian angel ahead of time. Saint Padre Pio advised people to pray to their enemy’s guardian angel. If you don’t get along well with someone and even consider them an enemy you will never be enemies with their guardian angel. You can pray to the guardian angel and even ask your guardian angel to help make the relationship better. If you are unable to attend daily Mass you can send your guardian angel to Mass for you.
“O Holy Angel at my side, go to the church for me, kneel in my place at Holy Mass, where I desire to be. At offertory, in my stead, take all I am and own, and place it as a sacrifice, upon the altar throne. At Holy Consecration’s bell, adore with seraph’s love, my Jesus hidden in the Host, come down from Heaven above. Then pray for those I dearly love, and those who cause me grief, that Jesus Blood may cleanse all hearts, and suffering souls relieve. And when the priest Communion takes, oh, bring my Lord to me, that His sweet Heart may rest on mine, and I His temple be. Pray that His Sacrifice Divine, may mankind’s sins efface; Then bring my Jesus blessing home, the pledge of every grace.”
VIDEO – Archbishop Fulton Sheen – Life is Worth Living “Angels”
“Why does the modern world not believe in angels?”
A good way to have a connection with your guardian angel is to either name your angel or to simply ask your guardian angel to revel their name to you. When you ask your guardian angel to revel their name to you, there will be one name usually sticks and you can trust that this is their name. Only God has the right of course to name an angel, so we are either going by the name that God gave the angel, then the angel reveled to us or we are nick-naming the angel with the pure intention of building a relationship with our angel on a name basis.
From Scripture:
Matthew 18:10 – “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their
angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.”
Exodus 23:20-21 – “See, I am sending an angel before you, to guard you on the way and bring you
to the place I have prepared. Be attentive to him and heed his voice. Do not rebel against him, for
he will not forgive your sin. My authority resides in him.”
Psalm 34:8 – The angel of the Lord, who encamps with them, delivers all who fear God.”
Psalm 91:11 – “For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways.” (this is the verse
that Satan quoted to Jesus in the desert, it makes since that the fallen angel, Satan, would know a quote from scripture dealing with angels, since he is a fallen angel. He knew very well what the role of the angels is and he rejected that role.)
Job 33:23 – “If then there be for him an angel, one out of a thousand, a mediator, to show him
what is right for him and bring the man back to justice.
Acts 12 – The Angel of the Lord rescues Peter from jail.
2 Peter 2:4 – The test and punishment of some of the angels
From Saints:
Saint Basil the Great (329-379AD) – “Beside each believer stands an angel as a protection and[i] Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 (DS 800)
[ii] 2 Peter 2:4
[iii] Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church – Section 74
[iv] Divine Office – Common of Compline
[v] The Order of Mass
[vi] The Order of Mass
[vii] The Order of Mass
[viii] The Order of Mass